Privacy Policy – Marico London

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We promise that we will collect, use, process and store your data properly and securely. We will:

  • Use and maintain your personal data in accordance with all applicable legal requirements
  • Inform you about what data we collect about you and how we use it
  • Ensure that the privacy of your data is maintained
  • Honour your legal rights in respect of personal data which we hold

We will not sell your data or transfer it outside of the Marico London Ltd. Group to anyone to use for their own marketing purposes.

This Privacy Policy explains what personal data we collect about you, how and why we use it, who we disclose it to, and how we protect your privacy.

Who is responsible for your data?

Our Privacy Policy applies to the personal data that Marico London Ltd. collects and uses. This policy applies to all data that we acquire about you, whether you visit our stores, visit our websites using any device, or contact us by telephone, email or social media.

Personal data we collect about you

When using the term “personal data” in our Privacy Policy, we mean information that relates to you and allows us to identify you, either directly or in combination with other information that we may hold. Your personal data may include for example your name, your contact details, information relating to your order, information on how you use our website or you interact with us.

We collect some personal data from you, for example when you register on our website or buy products from us, when you agree to receive e-receipts, when you use our website, enter competitions or sign up to receive our newsletter, when you visit our stores, buy our goods, use our services or contact us. We may also receive your personal data from our suppliers who provide services to you on our behalf (for example when you provide feedback on our goods or services).

For more information on the parties who may share your personal data with us, please see below:

Categories of data we collect

We may collect and process the following categories of information about you:

Your name and surname and your account details (email address, telephone number and postal address, date of birth, password, your interests, preferences, feedback and survey responses, your location).

  • When you create an account on our website
  • When you order products for home delivery
  • When you enter a competition or sign up to receive our newsletter
  • When you elect to receive e-receipts
  • When you are shopping in our stores
  • When you send us feedback or enter a review on a third party site

Information about your order and any products and services that you buy from us. This information may include your payment card details.

The communications you exchange with us (for example, your emails, letters, calls, or your messages on our online chat service). We may record telephone conversations when you contact us by telephone.

  • When you contact Marico London Ltd. or you are contacted by Marico London Ltd.

Your posts and messages on social media directed to Marico London Ltd.

  • When you interact with us on social media

Your feedback

  • When you reply to our requests for feedback or participate in our customer surveys

Information about what you buy in our stores, and how you use our website

  • When you navigate on our website

Sensitive personal data

In the course of providing products and services to you, or when you visit our stores, we may collect information that could reveal your racial or ethnic origin, physical or mental health, religious beliefs or alleged commission or conviction of criminal offences. Such information is considered “sensitive personal data” under data protection laws. We only collect this information where you have given your explicit consent, it is necessary, or you have deliberately made it public.

Our websites are not intended for those aged below 18. If we collect data relating to children who are aged below 16 years (for example names, dates of birth, photographs) we will always ask for consent from an adult over the age of 18.

How and why we use your personal data

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

To manage your purchases and provide our services to you

When you visit our stores or order goods or services from us, we use your information to process appointment bookings, complete your order, to process your payment, to deliver goods to you, to process returns and refunds, and to deal with any queries you have.

Legal basis for this use: To fulfil our contractual obligations.

To communicate with you and manage our relationship with you

Occasionally we may need to contact you by email and/or telephone /SMS for administrative or operational reasons, for example in order to send you confirmation of your order bookings and your payments, to inform you about delivery of your order, or to advise of delays, or to provide you with policy updates or details of product recalls.

Please be aware that these communications are not made for marketing purposes and as such, you will continue to receive them even if you opt-out from receiving marketing communications.

We will also use your personal data if we contact you after you have sent us a request, filled in a web-form through our website or contacted us on social media.

We may also use it to verify your identity or for other security reasons.

Legal basis for this use: To fulfil our contractual obligations.

Your opinion is very important to us, so we may send you an email or SMS to seek your feedback.

We will use the communications you exchange with us and the feedback you may provide in order to manage our relationship with you as our customer and to improve our services and experiences for customers.

Legal basis for this use: For our legitimate interests, to improve our goods and services to you and other customers.

To personalise and improve your customer experience

We may use your personal data in order to tailor our services to your needs and preferences and to provide you with a personalised customer experience. To do so, we use software and other technology (automated processing). For example, we may collect information on how you use our website, which pages of our website you visit most, which products you search for and what products you buy, in order to understand what you like. We may use this information to tailor the content and offers that you see on our website and, if you have agreed to receiving marketing communications, to send you relevant messages that we think you like.

If you are in the process of placing an order under your account and you leave our website before your order has been placed, we may contact you in order to help you easily complete your order.

Legal basis for this use: For our legitimate interests, to improve our goods and services for you and other customers. You may opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time.

To inform you about our news and offers that you may like

If you are happy to receive marketing communications, we will provide you with news from us such as new products and services that you may be interested in or offers that you may like. This may include information about products and services from any of our brands (e.g., Marico London Ltd.). Please note that we do not share your contact details and other personal data with other companies so that they can market their own products and services to you.

Web Banner Advertising

If you visit our websites, you may receive personalised banner advertisements whilst browsing other websites. Any banner advertisements you see will relate to products you have viewed whilst browsing our websites on your computer or other devices. These advertisements are provided by Marico London Ltd. via our trusted partners using ‘cookies’ placed on your computer or other devices (see further information on the use of cookies in our Cookie Policy). You can remove or disable cookies at any time - see below for further information.

Legal basis for this use: For our legitimate interests, to improve the goods and services that we offer to you.

To improve our services, fulfil our administrative purposes and protect our business interests

The business purposes for which we will use your information include accounting, billing and audit, credit or other payment card verification, fraud screening, safety, security and legal purposes, systems testing, colleague training, maintenance and development.

Legal basis for this use: For our legitimate interest, to ensure the proper administration, security and safety of our business for ourselves and our customers; to make our business more efficient; to improve the goods and services which we offer to our customers.

To comply with our legal obligations, for example, our obligation to provide your information to government or law enforcement agencies, or to maintain records of our business transactions.

Legal basis for this use: to comply with our legal obligations

Your rights in respect of your personal data

Lawful bases for processing data

  • We will only collect and process personal data about you where we have a lawful reason to do so (referred to below as “lawful bases”). Lawful bases include:
  • Where we need to process your data to enter into or perform our contract with you – for example to process a card payment or deliver goods to you.
  • Where necessary for us to comply with a legal obligation – for example if we are required to disclose your data by a court order.
  • Where needed to protect our vital interests, or that of a third party – for example if you have an accident in store and we have to call the emergency services and disclose your name and medical details.
  • Where we have a legitimate interest to do so, and these interests are not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. For example, we may process your personal data to:
  • Protect you, us, or others from threats (such as security threats or fraud)
  • Enable or administer our business, such as for quality control, consolidated reporting, and customer service
  • Send you news and information about our products and services that may interest you (you can opt out of this at any time)
  • Help us to provide a better service to you, or tailor the products that we send you information about (you can opt out of receiving marketing information at any time)
  • Provide colleague training
  • Understand and improve our business or customer relationships generally
  • Manage corporate transactions, such as mergers or acquisitions.

Where you have given your consent - you may withdraw your consent at any time.


You have a right to request access to the personal data that we hold about you. This could include information relating to purchases you have made or orders which you have placed with us via our website or in store.

If you would like to request a copy of your personal data, please contact us in writing at:

Marico London Ltd. –


If any of the personal data that we hold about you is incorrect, you have a right to request that we correct this. If you have an online account with us, you can easily change your personal details by managing the preferences in your account. Alternatively, to notify us of any corrections please contact us at:

Marico London Ltd. –

Erasure / objection

You have a right to request us to erase any data that we hold about you, or to object to our use and processing of your data. If the only lawful basis on which we can process your personal data is that you have given your consent, we are obliged to comply with your request. In other circumstances we may need to continue to hold and process your data (for example where needed for safety, security or legal purposes, or to protect our legitimate interests). If this is the case, we will notify you of the reason.

If you would like to exercise this right, please contact us at:

Marico London Ltd. –

Request a portable copy of your personal data

You have the right to request a portable copy of any personal data which you have provided to us. This applies if

  • The lawful basis on which we are processing your data is either that you have given your consent, or that we need to use the data to comply with our contract with you (for example to deliver goods to you); and
  • We are processing your personal data by automated means.

If you would like to exercise this right, please contact us at:

Marico London Ltd. –

If you wish to exercise any of the rights above, you may need to provide proof of your identification and further information to help us to process your request.

Questions and complaints

If you have questions in relation to your personal data, please contact us at:

Marico London Ltd. –

If you are not happy with how we have managed your personal data, please give us the chance to put it right, by contacting us at:

Marico London Ltd. –

How to opt out of receiving marketing communications

We would like to stay in touch with you, to send you news and offers about products that you may like.

If you would prefer not to receive these from us, you can easily opt out by clicking on the relevant unsubscribe link at the bottom of any marketing related email you may receive from us.

Alternatively, you can also contact our Customer Service team and express your preference to not receive marketing communications by using the “Contact us” form at :

Marico London Ltd. –

Your request may take a few days to process.

Security of your personal data

We are committed to taking appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage. When you provide your personal data through our website, this information is transmitted across the internet securely.

Marico London Ltd. adheres to high security standards in order to protect your payment card details when you are sending us this information.

As described in this Privacy Policy, we may in some instances disclose your personal data to third parties. Where Marico London Ltd. discloses your personal data to a third party, we require that third party to have appropriate technical and organisational measures in place to protect your personal data; however, in some instances we may be compelled by law to disclose your personal data to a third party, law enforcement agencies, and have limited control over how it is protected by that party.

The information that you provide to us will be held in our systems, which are located on our premises or those of an appointed third party. We may also allow access to your information by other third parties who act for us for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy or for other purposes approved by you. Your personal data may be accessed by and processed outside the United Kingdom (UK) - including by staff operating outside the UK who work for one of our suppliers or agents (this includes staff engaged in, among other things, the fulfilment of your order). Where your personal data is transferred outside of the UK, we require that appropriate safeguards are in place.

We will retain your personal data for as long as we need it in order to fulfil our purposes set out in this Privacy Policy or in order to comply with the law.

Sharing your personal data

Your personal data may be shared with other companies within our Group. It may also be disclosed to a third party who acquires us, a member of our Group or substantially all of our assets.

We may also share some of your personal data with, or obtain your personal data from, the following categories of third parties:

Government authorities, law enforcement bodies and regulators when this is necessary to process an order or a request from you, or for legal or security purposes, or as required by law.

Courts, tribunals, legal advisors and / or insurers in order to comply with our legal obligations; exercise our legal rights (for example in court cases); enable the prevention, detection, investigation of crime or prosecution of offenders; and protect our employees, customers and other third parties.

Suppliers providing services to us in order to help us run our business and improve our services and your customer experience. For example, we may share your personal data with:

  • Suppliers who deliver goods directly to you, or service providers who pack and deliver goods to you.
  • Companies who help us get your feedback on our services
  • Companies who provide security and monitoring services in our stores and on our websites
  • Companies who help us improve our business by analysing how customers shop when they visit our websites, or to enable them to contact you to ask you to review your purchase on their website
  • Companies who send our marketing communications to you on our behalf
  • Google/Facebook and other digital media providers to show you advertising that might interest you while you’re browsing the internet, in apps and on websites.
  • External parties hold some of the data which is stored by us.

We select very carefully our suppliers who process your personal data on our behalf and require that they comply with high security standards for the protection of your personal data, including deletion of your data when our relationship with them ends.

Credit and debit card companies and payment processors Marico London Ltd. shares some of your personal data, which includes information about your method of payment, with the credit or debit card company that issued the card you used to make your purchase and with third parties who process payments on our behalf. In order to ensure the security of your transactions and prevent or detect fraudulent transactions, we may also share your information with our fraud screening partner.

Our partners who promote offers or co-organise competitions/prize draws on our website, on social media or in our stores from time to time, we make certain third party offers available through our website or we offer competitions and prize draws co-organised by third parties. If you choose to purchase products or services offered on our websites or in our stores by third parties, accept offers or participate in a competition, some of your personal data, such as your contact details and your billing information, may be directly collected by or disclosed to that third party. As such, if you purchase their products or services, your information may be collected by or transferred to those parties. Our partners have their own privacy policies and terms of use over which Marico London Ltd. does not have control. Whilst Marico London Ltd. carefully selects these partners, it has no responsibility or liability for their privacy policies, terms of use or the way they process your personal data. Please ensure that you review the relevant privacy policies and terms of use of these partners prior to purchasing their goods or services, using their websites or services or providing any personal data to them.

Other companies within our corporate group for administrative reasons connected with any of the above purposes.

How long we keep your data

We only keep your data for as long as we need it, and no longer than required by law. After that we will delete it, or anonymise it so that you can no longer be identified from it.

Some examples are set out below:

Order details - 1 years, to comply with legal and contractual obligations

Updates to our Privacy Policy

We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time - we will update the Privacy Policy and we will publish on our website any new version of this Policy.

This policy was last updated in 25 October, 2021.

Contact information

Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy are welcomed and should be addressed to:

Marico London Ltd. –